Miss Anushka Chaudhry was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at The Ridgeway Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
30th May 2024

I Recently had breast augmentation surgery with anushka at the ridgeway hospital and I can’t recommend her enough! she made me feel really relaxed and calm the whole way through. Highly recommend her and she’s amazing at what she does.

Written by a NHS patient at The Great Western Hospital
21st April 2024

Such a lovely lady with so much empathy and care. Anushka listens to all you have to say and I felt totally looked after by her. When you are going through scary times and procedures this is greatly appreciated. A thank you does not seem enough.

Written by a NHS patient at The Great Western Hospital
28th February 2024

Ms Chaudhry was the perfect example of clinical expertise coupled with empathy. She made what could have been a traumatic experience far less worrying. I appreciated that she did not try to ‘soft pedal’ the situation but was always frank and clear. She also took great pains to make her incision sites as comfortable for me as she could. But she could improve her handwriting!

Written by a private patient at The Ridgeway Hospital - part of Circle Health Group
21st February 2024

I went to Miss Chaudhry for a breast reduction. Best decision I have ever made! I wish I had done it sooner. My breasts had caused me not only a great deal of physical pain throughout my entire adult life but also mental and emotional distress from the toll on my self-esteem. Miss Chaudhry showed me nothing but understanding, kindness and compassion. She is incredibly attentive; she always remembered me and made me feel validated not only in the struggle I had experienced with my breasts, but also in my wants and hopes for the surgery. Her passion is evident. I was VERY specific about what I wanted, probably more so than most patients. Miss Chaudhry took everything I said very seriously and I felt extremely confident that she sincerely cared and wanted to do her absolute best for me as an individual rather than seeing me as "just another reduction to get done". She managed my expectations whilst also ensuring she did everything she could to give me the breasts I hoped for. Her amazing character is matched by her skills; it's as though she took the image I had in my mind of what I wanted my breasts to look like and 3D printed it onto my chest. I could talk for hours about how pleased I am with the results. I cannot recommend Miss Chaudry enough. To me, she was nothing short of the perfect surgeon in every way, during every step of the way. My breasts used to be a part of me I detested, resented and something that held me back from life. I spent my life with breasts that were something I felt I had to "manage" and "deal with". Now, they are my favourite thing in the world, second only to Miss Chaudhry. I look at them all the time. I adore them. Not only are they perfect looking, in my humble opinion, they have also afforded me a sense of freedom in my every day life I could have never imagined. I am now able to exist in the world without this constant underlying sense of embarrassment I used to walk around with 24/7. The anxiety around social situations I used to feel due to extreme self-consciousness, knowing if I were to go my breasts had to come with me has gone. Now I can't wait to take them out anywhere.....not literally, of course.

Written by a NHS patient at The Great Western Hospital
17th February 2024

Oh my goodness what a lovely lady! It’s the type of appointment no-one wants and everyone dreads. However, Ms Chaudhry confirmed my biopsy results with so much kindness and compassion, I just wanted to hug her…. She talked both me and my husband through the diagnosis and explained clearly the plan going forward. My husband said she was “brilliant”. It’s difficult to understand but she actually made me feel better about the situation.


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Oncoplastic and Cosmetic Breast Surgeon